The Change is Beautiful Collection...Dresses Tailored to Breast Cancer Thrivers!

The Change is Beautiful Collection is a special collection that I wanted to launch as we stepped into the online space from brick and mortar. 

Change is beautiful, and we want you to embrace that and love your survivor body again.  This is why The Change is Beautiful - Survivor Shop was born.

This dress collection is dedicated to all young Breast Cancer mastectomy, recon, and beyond.  Each dress is carefully selected in consideration of your post-cancer body.   Modest necklines, but oh-so-fashionable, covering the chest and back.  

Truth be told, I hated dress shopping after my bilaterial mastecomies because the cuts and styles were never ideal. I had delayed reconstruction due to full chest wall radiation, and I felt I was either always sacrificing a trendy style or my confidence...

I didn't want that to be the case for other women, and I saw a great need for this collection to be added to Isn't She Lovely Cache. 

This collection features a mix of casual to dressy styles for any occassion, and all styles are always on-trend. The necklines come up so that women can wear any bra, their mastecomy bra or inserts of choice, without the worry of needing to hold their dress up at the neckline when bending over or moving a certain way. 

I also ensure the back is always covered.  This is something that is often cut-out in dresses, but it doesn't work for all survivors like myself.  Some of us have had reconstruction that borrowed from other healthy tissues like our backs, leaving us with scars that we'd rather not show.  All cuts cover upper chest and back for that reason.

Your confidence, comfort, and grace is so important to us.

With love,


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